What is Vooki ?

What is Vooki ?

Vooki is a dynamic web application vulnerability scanner tool that is used by the majority of the world's top companies. We have made this product in such a manner that it is easy to use for any user, from a newbie to a pro. Vooki uses the OWASP Top 10 standard and shows accurate vulnerabilities. It is a desktop application that can be installed on both Mac and Windows, as well as a user-friendly tool that can quickly scan any web application and identify many underlying security vulnerabilities. Vooki includes a web application scanner, a REST API scanner, and a reporting section. Vooki covers a whopping 10,000+ security checks.

Vooki has two vulnerability scanners, which are:
  1. Web Application Vulnerability Scanner
  2. REST API Vulnerability Scanner

Vooki features of web application scanner
  1. Multiple scan types
  2. crawler
  3. 10000+ vulnerabilities detection
  4. Concurrent scan
  5. Scheduled scan
  6. Penetration testing facility
  7. Vulnerability dashboard
  8. Jira integration
  9. Authenticated testing
  10. Information gathering
  11. Cryptography
  12. Vulnerability report generation
  13. Compliance report
  14. Run pipeline scan from command line
  15. Browser support
Vooki features of REST API scanner
  1. Separate user interface for API
  2. Add project/API end-points and test it
  3. 10000+ vulnerabilities detection
  4. Environment variable
  5. Import/Export project
  6. Import/Export environment variable
  7. Vulnerabilty dashboard
  8. Postman integration
  9. Vulnerability report generation
  10. Compliance report
  11. Run pipeline scan from command line

Vooki has two versions: free and pro. You can check the pricing of the pro version here: https://vegabird.com/vooki/#pricing

List of Vulnerabilities Covered
  1. SQL Injection
  2. Command Injection
  3. Header Injection
  4. Cross-site scripting – reflected
  5. Cross-site scripting – stored
  6. Cross-site scripting – DOM based
  7. Missing security headers
  8. Malicious JS script execution
  9. Using components with known vulnerabilities
  10. JQuery Vulnerabilities
  11. Angularjs Vulnerabilities
  12. Bootstrap Vulnerabilities
  13. Sensitive Information disclosure in response headers
  14. Sensitive Information disclosure in error messages
  15. Missing Server Side Validation
  16. JavaScript Dynamic Code Execution
  17. Sensitive Data Exposure and more

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