Why Some HTTPS sites are not loading completely while using vooki?

Why Some HTTPS sites are not loading completely while using vooki?

While using the Vooki vulnerability scanner we might have faced the issue where the https page is not loaded completely. The reason behind this issue is the HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) header. After including this in website it becomes difficult to intercept the traffic of the website. In this blog we can see how do we bypass that HSTS header.


How to bypass in Chrome:
  1. Go to the settings of chrome and click on 'Manage Certificates', you can find this by searching in settings.
  2. After clicking that it will open a window of already installed Certificates. Click on the `Trusted Root Certification Authorities` tab and import the vooki certificate.
  3. Certificate from vooki could be found in path `C:\Users\user_name\.anyproxy\certificates\rootCA.crt` .
  4. Import this certificate in the `Trusted Root Certification Authorities` and we are good to go.
How to bypass in Mozilla:
  1. Go to the settings of firefox and search for certificate and click on `View Certificates`.
  2. This will open a window `Certificate Manager`. Click on the `Authorities` tab and import the vooki certificate.
  3. Certificate from vooki could be found in path `C:\Users\user_name\.anyproxy\certificates\rootCA.crt` .
  4. Import this certificate in the `Authorities` and we are good to go.
Note: Changing proxy and certificate in the chrome will change whole system's proxy and trusted certificate. Importing certificate and changing proxy in Mozilla Firefox will change only Mozilla Firefox's certificate and proxy.

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