Why Vooki is best Vulnerability scanner?

Why Vooki is best Vulnerability scanner?

Vooki is a free web application vulnerability scanner which gives us a perfect scan report about the scanned networks, applications.

It is a user-friendly tool that you can easily scan any web application and find security vulnerabilities. Vooki includes Web Application Scanner, REST API Scanner and reporting section.

Why Vooki is best:

·        Vooki a free vulnerability scanner helps to find around 50+ vulnerability attacks in your site.

·        It’s totally free

·        Very easy to use

·        Times which its takes for scanning and for report generating is very small.

·        Vooki created by a Vega bird team, they were giving total support in online, in case client have any problem with the vulnerability attacks.

·        Report Generation by the Prithivi (Vega bird’s report generating software) is one of the best and a clear format for developers to understand about the vulnerabilities, attacks and loopholes of their website.

·        Using the Vooki tool is very simple and they are also giving sample reports for better understanding the output of the tool.

A Free Website Vulnerability scanning tool with all these Features available in the today’s market is totally cool.

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