How to use Vooki - Web Application Scanner ?

How to use Vooki - Web Application Scanner ?

Vooki's web application security scanner is an automated tool to effectively scan and detect many underlying vulnerabilities in web applications in a few minutes. These vulnerabilities include not just the easier ones but the ones that require strenuous human efforts to identify, with least false positive rates compared to many other vulnerability scanners. Web application scanning done with Vooki offers all its users a sense of satisfaction as it has all the modules to perform scanning in a holistic manner.
There are multiple scanner types in the Vooki web application scanner that perform based on your needs, which are as follows:
  1. Full Scan
  2. Basic Scan
  3. Penetration Testing
  4. Crawler
  5. Domain & host scan
  6. Cryptography
Each scan has more or less the same configuration to start the scan. You can check out each one on our blog, where we have posted them. Click on the scan type and look at its details, configuration, and functionality.

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